# Alexandre Laplante ## About Me My name is Alexandre Laplante, I'm a co-founder and the CTO of Passthrough. ex-Google, ex-Carta. I have a Master's degree in Computer Science with specialization in Quantum Information from the University of Waterloo. I studied at the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) under my supervisor Prof. Ashwin Nayak. I also have a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science with a Minor in Physics from the University of Ottawa. My Master's thesis presented an efficient parallel algorithm for approximating the solution to a certain class of Semidefinite Programs, thus showing the containment of a quantum complexity class called ⊕MIP*[2,1] in PSPACE. The paper is available here. ## Resume My resume can be found here. ## Contact I can be reached at: [my first name].[my last name]@gmail.com ## Fun - [Music composer](/composer/) - [Cine2Nerdle clone](/love2puzzle/?puzzle=WyJQRVRFUiBESU5LTEFHRSIsIlJBQ0NPT04iLCJTTkFQIiwiQVNTRU1CTEUiLCJGQVRIRVIiLCJTUEFDRSIsIkxVS0UiLCJGT1JDRSIsIldJTEwiLCJNVVJERVIiLCJNWVNURVJZIiwiREFOSUVMIENSQUlHIiwiRUxWRVMiLCJDTEFSSUNFIiwiU1RPUC1NT1RJT04iLCJDVVRFIl0) - [Time perception](/writing/time/)